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One of the biggest Slovenian tourism companies – HitAlpinea, owning hotels and sport facilities in Kranjska Gora, encouraged by SporTour’s expert Damjan Pintar, makes an important step forward in strengthening its position within the world of international sports.

In May 2016, Fedja Pobegajlo Director of HIT Alpinea, his Deputy for Sales and Marketing – Ms Golja and Mr Veber – Director of Tourism in Kranjska Gora accompanied by Damjan Pintar who organized the visit, met Secretary General of ASPC Josep Escoda (acting also as Director for Technologies at CAR) and Xavier Balius (responsible for Medicine, Clinics and Technologies) in the CAR training centre in Sant Cugat / Catalonia to discuss cooperation possibilities and learn about the best practices developed by the CAR experts. The experiences shared by the CAR professionals will serve HIT Alpinea as the foundation for developing their own sport products based on a worldwide framework.

For more about HIT Alipnea, please check https://www.hit-alpinea.si/en
To visit the official ASPC website, please go to http://sportperformancecentres.org/