At the beginning of August Sportour organized a surveillance visit of Bernardin group facilities in Portorož. Judo coach Marjan Fabjan with his team visited Bernardin hotels in Portorož, Slovenia where they studied a potential organisation of an international training camp during the winter months in Portorož, Slovenia.
At the same time D. Pintar of Sportour convened representatives of sport associations and clubs from South East N. Macedonia in town of Strumica. He had the opportunity to share his knowledge and different marketing models with them. There he proposed an organisation of training camps and competitions for sports such as volleyball, beach volleyball, basketball and handball as a result of younger categories in this part of N. Macedonia, which have solid sport infrastructure, human resources and excellent natural conditions for training camps in colder months of the year.
N. Macedonia has a lot of prospects to developed Sport Tourism. In consequence to increased flight connections to Skopje and Thessaloniki airports make this opportunity even more viable.